A category \({\bf Fol}\) of sets of formulas of first-order languages with finitary relations and with equality is constructed. An adjunction \(\lan F,U,\eta,\epsilon\ran:{\bf HSet}\ra {\bf Fol},\) where \({\bf HSet}\) denotes the category of families of sets indexed by subsets of the natural numbers``respecting inclusions" is then obtained. It gives rise to an algebraic theory \({\bf T}\) over \({\bf HSet}.\) It is then shown that the Eilenberg-Moore category of \({\bf T}\)-algebras in\({\bf HSet}\) has a subcategory isomorphic to the category \(\overrightarrow{{\rm Lf}_{\omega}}\) corresponding to the variety \({\rm Lf}_{\omega}\) of all \(\omega\)-dimensional locally finite cylindric algebras. Moreover, its subcategory with objects all largest locally finite subalgebras of full \(\omega\)-dimensional cylindric set algebras is the category of algebras that was used in the categorical algebraization of a version of the institution of first-order logic without terms presented in previous work by the author.