In this paper, we introduce and investigate three classes of subsets called $\xi$-closed sets, $\xi^{\ast}$- closed sets and ${\xi}^{\ast \ast}$-closed sets in topological spaces. As applications we introduce two separation axioms $T_{\xi}$ and $T_{\xi^{\ast \ast}}$ of topological spaces and we construct a group of $\rho$c-homeomorphisms which contains the group of all homeomorphisms as a subgroup, where $\rho \in \{\xi, \xi ^{\ast}, \xi ^{\ast \ast}\}$. A discussion of $\rho$-closed sets in the digital plane concludes the paper, where $\rho \in \{\xi, \xi ^{\ast \ast}\}$. The digital plane is a $T_{\xi}$-space; it is not $T_{\xi ^{\ast \ast}}$.