The classic geometric realization functor |-|: S^opKTop, where S is the category of sets, S^op is the category of simplicial sets, and KTop is the category of compactly generated Hausdorff topological spaces, is generalized to the functor |-|Y:S^op A, where A is a category geometric over S via f and Y forms a discrete fibration over f^*op, in Cat(A), via g. It is shown that, under certain assumptions on A, f and g, this generalized functor commutes with finite limits if the collection of the inclusions of the boundary Y^'_0n of Y_0n into Y_0n is strongly initial. It is further shown, for certain geometric categories A over sets, in particular for the categories Fco, ConsFco, Con, Lim, PsT, Born, and PreOrd, that initiality of the inclusion of the boundary Y^'_0n of Y_0n into Y_0n guarantees commutation of the geometric realization functor and finite limits.